Adenomyoma of the Small ıntestine: Case report İnce Barsakta Adenomyom: Olgu Sunumu
epithelium with regular basally located nuclei and without atypia or mitotic activity (Figure C). There were no pancreatic acini or islets. We did not observe Paneth cells or goblet cells. immunohistochemistry was performed using antibodies against CK7 (OV-tL 2/30, neomarkers, CA, usA : 50), sMA ( A4, :300 neomarkers, CA, usA) and CK20 (Ks20.8, : 00 neomarkers, CA, usA). immunohistochemistry revealed that sMA was positive in the smooth muscle fibers surrounding the glandular structures (Figure D) while CK7 was diffusely positive in the epithelium lining the glands (Figure E) and CK20 was negative (Figure F).
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